Clothes are non-verbal form of communication. Like it or not! What you wear signals your you brand and image to others, therefore we must ensure we send the right one!
Generally, the idea in the workplace is to dress in similar manner. Your creativity in work is more important than creativity in your clothes.
Additionally, we must consider our body language and paying attention to your physical presence. This indicates, that you respect yourself and care enough about others.
Work clothes, can be a source of anxiety for many of us and getting dressed in the morning can be quite challenging.
My advise would be to stick to basic colours: navy blue, black, grey, beige, white - to be on a safe side. It doesn't matter whether the dress code is formal or casual, these are the colours to start with.
For man, start with a dark colour suit, light top, black polished shoes and black belt in more formal environments. In more casual ones you can choose a beige trousers or skirt, white blouse, black or brown shoes, black belt, black briefcase.
Yes, it is quite simple, but of you want to start with something, thats your best bet. Of course you can add your own touches and style as you go along.
Good foundation of high quality clothes in neutral tones. Your wardrobe is an investment. You also should feel comfortable in your clothes and present yourself in the best way you possibly can.

Most companies today have a dress code. You simply need to watch and learn it. Notice the style of your boss and plan your wardrobe in similar style. You clothing should address a positive attitude and blend with the business culture and environment.
The casual look is the one which goes among the businesses these days. You must remember, however, that business-casual is different than casual!
It is a good idea to separate your work clothes and your personal clothes.
Yes! Take everything out of your closet and divide your clothes, shoes and accessories.
During the exercise, if you haven't worn anything for the last year or so, simply get rid of it. Donating clothes has become easier than ever. Fix everything with holes, stains and rips. Look carefully at the quality of the work attire. You must ensure that your clothes fit and are of good condition.
For woman

Business casual for woman can become particularly challenging. Keeping it Simple and Elegant would be the best approach.
Dark clothes express authority, light clothes express friendliness.
Woman should start with a dark coloured blazer and few light colour blouses, preferably button up. Dark skirts or pants and few dresses. Three of four pairs of high quality leather shoes. By getting skirts and shorts you can easily mix and match them, giving more options for the future. Dark coloured skirts and pants are the best bet. Than, you can experiment a little with the shirts, blouses, but still in elegant and sophisticated way. You may also think about having colours matched professionally to your skin and complexion. This will make you feel and look great!
Try to avoid bright colours and patters excessively. The same comes to jewellery. Having see-through clothing is also considered inappropriate, No-one should see your undergarments. Missing buttons or dirty shoes are a no-no.

In therms of more formal dress code for woman, you are advised to stay conservative. Your suits should match the fabric to the season. For winter and autumn wool is appropriate. For summer and spring - cotton and linen would be great.
Ensure that your suits and jackets are appropriate to your body type and well suited.
Your skirt should not be too long or too tight. Straight skirts are preferred over a long pleated skirts.
Clothes made of transparent materials are inappropriate. High quality silk and cotton are of a better choice. Whatever you do, avoid wearing tank tops or showing your shoulders. Any attire that reveals too much cleavage, skin or your undergarments is not appropriate.
Very sheer skin looking stockings are standard these days.
Take care of your shoes and keep them in good condition and clean. Never wear bright white shoes. Open toe sandals or shoes too high are also considered inappropriate.

It terms of accessories and jewellery, one most important advise would be to stay away from bright colours, sparking items and large logos.
Earrings can be made from precious metals, like silver or gold. Having diamonds and pearls is also appropriate. The earrings should generally match the neckless and the colours coordinate with the garments.
Watches can be either analogue or digital. In my view, the analogue watches are more elegant and sophisticated. A large or sport watch are not considered appropriate. Your watch band should compliment your other jewellery. Avoid cartoon watches or joke watches.
Brooches and pins should only be worn if you do not wear a neckless. Rings should be simple and few. The only one big sparkle acceptable would be your engagement ring.
Your eyeglasses (if you war them) should match your personality and style. The style should also fit your profession. Those days with large sparkling glasses for woman at work are gone. Choose them to look stylish and elegant. Never wear tinted glasses in the office!
For man

As for woman, man also may find the work arrive quite challenging. Especially, business casual can be one big assignment these days. While formal dress code seem simpler, when it comes to less formal, some challenges may arise. Generally, it is due to lack of business dress code and policy.
Business casual would generally mean a beige pants, plain polo shirt or long sleeve button down shirt, V-neck sweatshirt, sport coat or blazer and brown leather shoes. Loafers are also a good chose, but you should always wear socks. Some companies allow jeans, t-shirt or tennis shoes.
A short sleeve shirt is always a casual shirt, as well as beige and light colour pants. Shorts, sandals and tank tops are not business wear! Plain shorts are best. Button down oxford shirts are casual. Loafers are casual, as well as blazers and sport coats.

In terms of the formal wear for man, it appeared a lot simpler than for woman.
If you are a professional, you need to own at least few suits. For autumn and winter, these should be made of wool and for spring and summer cotton or microfibres. Linen suits are also appropriate, but they wrinkle easily!
There are different styles of suits: American, Italian and British. American style suits have two or three buttons and pants with straight line. Italian suits have padded shoulders and pants are generally fuller than the American cut. British style suits have square shoulders and pants narrower than American and Italian style.

When standing button the top button of the two button jacket, to the middle one of the three button jacket. Unbutton your jacket when sitting down.
Regardless of the suit price, if it is not tailored to your figure it is going to be pointless. If the suit doesn't fit properly it will ruin your entire image. Buying high quality clothes will generally pay off long term. It is always a good idea to get opinion on how you look from someone else, whether its the store assistant or someone shopping with you.
The collar of your shirt should always fit perfectly, without any gaps. As for colour, black, navy blue, grey or brown are perfect. Beige in a summer, good idea too.
Brush your suit before you leave and at the end of the day.
Your pants should be always ironed. Having some white long sleeve white and blue shirts will do the job.

Your socks should be dark and match the colour of your suit. For beige suit, wear being socks. Subtle parters are acceptable. White socks are unacceptable in business as well as wearing no socks!
Briefcases should be black or brown leather. Belts match the shoes, socks match the pants.
Ties should be silk and end at the top of your belt.