Writing a Thank you Card
When people send handwritten notes it really stands out. Are these outdated? Of course not! It is so lovely to receive a handwritten thank-you note. The notes do not always need to be sent. It will purely depend on the formality of the situation. If the neighbour brings you a lovely dish for Christmas, an e-mail with than you would be enough. But if someone invites you for a formal dinner, a formal handwritten thank-you note is perfectly appropriate.
If you receive a gift for wedding, you should send handwritten than you note within three months from the wedding day.

Try not to start a thank-you not with simple "Thank you". Instead say first how something made you feel, than why you loved it and than thank you and closing. You can sign the note with "Sincerely", "Love". "Best regards" or "With regards" is for more formal e-mails.
When addressing a woman, use Miss for under eighteen, for older say Ms. If you are unsure if she is married, say Ms.
Being a great host
When you are hosting a party or event, the goal is to make your guests feel happy, comfortable and welcome.
When inviting others into your home its nice to have a music set to create a nice atmosphere for the time. If its a holiday, Christmas music, when other occasion, any musing of your choice matching your intended mood. It is also important to have a tray of beautiful drinks to offer straight away. On weddings, its generally champagne or prosseco in England. I love when my home smell beautifully, especially restrooms, the place is decorated with fresh flowers and the smell of something delicious cooking coming from the kitchen. Plus, of course, the biggest smile when the guests arrive. Yes! These simple things can make an amazing atmosphere, make your guests feel important and show you respect them and went into the effort fir them.

It also important, that you enjoy time with the guests and available to catch up with them, greet them and enjoy conversation. Therefore, you may need to delegate some duties. Even getting your children or partner to set the table, offer drinks and take away jackets.
You may set up your table earlier, but ensure you only put food and drinks when the guests arrive.
You need to plan ahead. You need a make a list way ahead of everything you and your guests may need. Food, drinks, grocery, decorations, setting table, cooking, cleaning, sending invitations, sending reminders 48 hours before the event. We also need to always prepare more than enough food and drinks.
If anyone offers to bring something, always be grateful but do not accept. If you host a formal party it is your responsibility to take care of everything. Perhaps if it is a casual gathering, it may be perfectly fine. The same relates to cleaning after the meal or event. You may say "Thank you, you are so kind, but I am on it!". Do not clean when guests are in your home, leave it until they leave the house.
Always ask beforehand of any dietary restrictions and always make sure you have at least two food options for your guests.

A very lovely and easy option for a cocktail party is a cheese board. We have to ensure, that we slice it along the long side of the cheese. Start by serving left to right a hard, sot and blue cheese. Make sure that you have at least three options on the cheese board. You may add dried meat, nuts or dried fruit depending on wine and taste. Never add grapes to your cheeseboard if you are serving wine. It is because it clashes with the wine.
Wine also, should be served at the correct temperature. 40-50 degrees F for champagne and sparkling wine. set to pop a bottle into an ice bucket for about 30 minutes.
White, rose and light reds should be served at approx. 50-60 degrees F. Full red should be served at approx 60-65 degrees F.

Some basic rules when you are hosting a dinner party:
Set your table and decor in advance.
Do not allow decorations to block the view on the other side of the table.
Try to prepare dishes ahead of time and not cooking or still preparing food when the guests arrive.
Serve children and elderly first, followed by most VIP female, other females, most VIP male and other males. Host serves themselves last.
The most VIP person sits at the right next to the host.
Do not set couples one to another unless its birthday or wedding.
Put music instead of TV during a meal.
Be over prepared with food and drinks.
Speak to gusts, ask questions and engage in conversation.
If you are host at a restaurant, you pay.

Being a great guest
When you are being invited to a house party, always ask what you can bring. Even if the host refuse, than you always bring them a gift. Candles, chocolates, macaroons, jar goodies, honey, jam, freshly baked food. If you know the host well, bring something you know they will love. We should not bring wine at the formal dinner party. Unless the host specifically asks for it, as it may clash with the dinner prepared. We should also try to avoid bringing flowers. You do not want to bring a gift that creates more work for the hosts.

Some round rules if you are being a guest at a dinner party:
Always offer to take off your shoes.
Notify the host of any dietary requirements you may have.
Arrive at home party around 10 minutes late. Never arrive early.
Always ask where you sit before sitting at the table.
Show respect by dressing nicely and grooming.
Always compliment the host for the food they have served. You may raise a toast and thank for the food and lovely time.
Offer to help clean up.
Don't overstay your welcome.
Send thank you letter after the event.

Are these tips common-sense? Yes, you may say. But, you would be surprised how many of us do not know about them.
If you have first time read these, you are on the right path.
Remember, that to mater the art of being a great host and guest we must practice. We want all the things we learn to be natural for us and not only used for special occasion. Always be kind, respectful, positive and spread joy!