You will be going on interviews, in one form or another, throughout your career. It is important therefore to try and see how we can show ourselves from the best light possible.
When applying for a job it is important to use your cover letter or e-mail the advertising person to express your interest. You should not be aggressive about it and demanding information, but make it clear, that you would like to speak to someone over the phone or in person. If a phone interview is offered, it is a good idea to take it. Here it is important that you calm yourself down, take a big breath, say to yourself that you are definitely worth of any job, ensure you are in a quiet place.
If you are reaching out by phone and once you are transferred to the human resource department or hiring manager, introduce yourself, say you have sent your resume and would like to make yourself available for an interview. You may be here advised that they are not setting interviews yet, before they review your resume, but you should be understanding and very polite about it.
One note worth of mentioning here, is that if the job offering says not to call, you simply do not do it. Additionally, you shouldn't just turned up to the place unannounced.
Still waiting after sending your resume?

In this case you may want to follow up. It is perfectly appropriate to call the hiring administrator or the human resource manager to check they have received your resume. Maybe following up the very next day is not a good idea, perhaps within a week or two.
A successful e-mail would be polite, concise and providing your contact details.
Have you managed to schedule an interview?
Great job! Now, it is very important to ensure you put your best foot forward and present yourself very well. You need to learn as much as possible about company's culture. This will also indicate how you should dress when you arrive. For more formal and senior positions it is totally appropriate to wear a dark coloured suit.
You also need to bring few copies of your resume to the interview. Remember, be positive, excited and enthusiastic. It is encouraged to clearly say, why you want to work for the company and how excited you are about the position.
Your resume should be very relevant to the job you are applying for. It should be organised and easy to read. In reality, it should be limited to one page only. Well, unless you reached a management level or higher, than it can be extended to a second page. Focus on the highlights of the positions you have had, your accomplishments and responsibilities that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Ensure that you have your name, picture (if possible), your e-mail and mobile phone on the resume. It should be organised in simple sections: Education, Experience and Skills. When listing experience, ensure it is absolutely relevant. Often people put hobbies and interests on their resume, but generally no-one finds them necessary.
One important point, I want to mention here, is that at times, you may receive a phone call from the hiring administrator who would pre-screen your profile and give you more information about the offering. It is not an actual interview, but should not be ignored. You need to be prepared for this call. It is a good opportunity for them to get to know you better and also you to find little bit more information about the business. For this reason, its advisable to have a few question prepared for this call. Ensure you have a pen and a notebook handy.
Interview rules

Here, are some helpful tips and guides for your interview day:
Be prepared for the common interview questions: you skills, experience, strengths, weaknesses, ability to resolve conflicts, etc.,
Be prepared to give examples of your experience and accomplishments,
When answering questions, ensure that they are relevant to the job you are applying for. Learn as much as possible about the job role and it's requirements.
Be prepared for list of references. If you have those, contact them upfront to check they feel comfortable with that.
Prepare your clothes, grooming materials the night before and get a good night sleep.
Do not arrive too early or too late, 5-10 minutes early is totally appropriate for you to take a big breath, prepare, calm down and it also does not put the interview under pressure if you are too early.
When you enter the company, you must be polite to everyone and in any location of the building.
Have positive, approachable and open body language.
Never, but ever, speak negatively about your previous employer or colleagues.
Ask questions when you are permitted. Ask what are the next steps and if there is anything else they need from you.
You have done it!

Here we go! You have now had your interview and did an amazing job.
Now, it is important to send a thank you note. Make a statement of few things said during the interview, show your excitement. It is, of course, going to be a hand-written thank you note, so make your writing legible and tidy.

The first line of the note, should not start with straight "Thank you".
Let's start from how you felt.
You may write "I enjoyed meeting with you today for the ... job position. Thank you for the opportunity to learn about the role. (Then, mention something specifically discussed, i.e. company vision, mission, goal and how you align with it). I look forward to hear from you regarding next steps".
Easy right? I am sure you will do an amazing job. Good luck!