This manual example can be used for implementation of EMS in the organisations.
Environmental Management System Manual
BS ISO 14001: 2015
Information for all employees, contractors and visitors
The context of this manual is confidential.
This manual must not be removed from the company without written permission from company directors.
4.0 Context of the organisation
4.1 Understanding of the organisation and its context
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
4.3 Determining the scope of the EMS
4.4 Environmental Management System
5.0 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
5.2 Environmental Policy
5.3 Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities
6.0 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6. 1.1 General
6 1.2 Environmental Aspects
6 1.3 Compliance Obligations
6 1.4 Planning Actions
6.2 Environmental Objectives and planning to achieve them
6 2.1 Environmental Objectives
6 2.2. Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives
7.0 Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented information
7 5.1 General
7 5.2 creating and updating
7.5.3 control of documentation
8.0 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response
9.0 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
9 1.1 General
9 1.2 Evaluation of compliance
9.2 Internal audits
9 2.1 General
9 2.2 Internal audit programme
9.3 Management review
10.0 Improvement
10.1 General
10.2 Non-conformity and corrective action
10.3 Continual Improvement
Appendix A. Cross reference between environmental manual and associated documents, Environmental Procedures Manual, Quality Procedures Manual and Health and Safety Manual
Appendix B. Table of policies and procedures
4.0 Context of the organisation
4.1 Understanding the organisation and its context.
Purpose. To gain high-level understanding of relevant internal and external issues that impact or have the potential to impact, positively or negatively, the ability of the EMS to achieve its intended outcomes.
Scope. This applies to all issues that may impact the ability of the EMS to achieve its intended outcomes.
Responsibility. Understanding the organisation, its context and the potential for its context to impact upon the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of the directors.
Procedure. Understanding the organisation's context involves the review and definition of the environmental conditions capable of affecting or being affected by the organisation's operations. The review consists of:
* Determining the external issues that could affect or be affected by the organisations products throughout their life-cycle. Determining the external issues is carried out through analysis of all Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal issues as a minimum.
* Defining the internal characteristics of the organisation that could affect the ability of the EMS to achieve its intended outcomes. Determining the internal issues is carried out through the analysis of the organisation's strategic direction, products, services, processes, activities, culture and capabilities and any other internal issues deemed relevant.
* Developing the lists of opportunities based on this issues which are to be included in the settings of the objectives and targets.
* Delivering an Environmental Policy statement which addresses the above parameters and details the above analysis and criteria.
* The Environmental Policy Statement is reviewed as part of the annual management review.
4.2 Needs and Expectations of interested parties
Purpose. To identify, document and review the interested parties to the EMS and to gain a general ( high-level, not detailed) understanding of their needs and expectations.
To determine which of the needs and expectations should become compliance obligations for the organisation's EMS.
Scope. This applies to all operations of the organisation that may affect, positively or negatively, the needs and expectations ( requirements) of the interested parties.
Responsibility. Understanding of requirements of interested parties relevant to the organisations Environmental Management System is the ultimate responsibility of the directors.
Documented information:
ENV: D001 Business Context Statement
* Consultation with employees, shareholders/ owners, customers, visitors, neighbours, authorities, bodies/regulators, suppliers and partners, insurers, business groups, emergency services and as necessary to identify their requirements.
* Determining the nature of the requirements of each - for example, it is a regulatory requirement, a voluntary agreement, an expressive view of customer or neighbour, etc.
* The relevant requirements of interested parties are incorporated into the Business Context Statement which is reviewed as part of annual management review.
4.3 Determining the scope of the Environmental Management System
Purpose. To define the physical and operational boundaries to which the EMS applies.
Responsibility. Definition of the scope of the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of business directors. The Environmental Coordinator is responsible for implementation of this procedure.
Reviews and audits.
* The scope of the EMS is reviewed as part of the annual management review to ensure its continued adequacy and effectiveness.
* The Annual Management Review takes account of the organisations context, compliance obligations, spatial and organisational boundaries, activities, products and services.
* Each on-site process and ISO clause are audited on a 3-year circle by appointed auditors.
Scope of the EMS.
* The scope of the EMS is the activities, products and services of the company.
* The scope of the EMS is also the external processes associated with the company over which it can exert a degree of control or influence.
These processes and activities are:
* Goods inwards and storage,
* Design and development,
* Manufacturing and assembly,
* Packing,
* Despatch,
* Yard, Raw Material storage, Waste Storage areas, Waste transport,
* Boilers,
* Air Compressors,
* Engineering and maintenance activities,
* Offices, canteen, toilets
* The special boundaries are as per the site boundary of the facilities
* The organisational personnel structures are as per - Organisational roles, responsibilities, and Authorities of the Environmental Manual
* This scope of the EMS is available to interested parties on request
4.4 Environmental Management System
Purpose. To establish, implement, maintain and continually improve the Environmental Management System, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of ISO14001:2015 and considering the Business Environmental Policy.
This is in line with the overall goal of providing a sound basis for effective and responsible management of the environment and to provide a safe and healthy workplace for employees, neighbours, contractors and visitors.
Scope. See in the documented information.
Responsibility. The business directors are ultimately responsible for the effective implementation of the Environmental Management System.
Documented information.
ENV D001 Business Context Statement
ENV D002 Environmental Policy Statement
ENV D003 Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification and Assessment
ENV D004 Environmental Objectives and Targets
ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
ENV D006 Environmental Risk Assessment Register
ENV D007 Legal Requirements and Evaluation
ENV D008 Register of Legislation and Regulations
ENV D009 Resources, Roles and Responsibilities
ENV D010 Competency, Awareness and Training
ENV D011 Communication
ENV D012 Control of documents and Data
ENV D013 Operational Controls Draft
ENV D014 Emergency Action and Response Procedure
ENV D015 Monitoring and Measurement
ENV D016 Control of non-conformance
ENV D017 Corrective and Preventive action
ENV D018 Internal Audits
ENV D019 Management Review Procedure
ENV D020 Accident Management
ENV D021 Spillage Procedure
ENV D022 Environmental Complaints Form
ENV D023 Odour Complaint Report Form
ENV D024 Daily Odour Check Form
ENV D026 Environmental Meeting Minutes
ENV D027 Management Review Meeting Minutes
ENV D028 Environmental Audit Schedule
ENV D029 Environmental corrective Actions Log
ENV D030 Cradle to Grave Waste Audit Tool
1.1 A circulation list is maintained which identifies the locations at which copies of the systems Environmental Policy, Manual and Procedures are maintained. The master copy of all documents is held at secure electronic file, restricted access only: Environmental Coordinator, H&s and Environmental Manager.
1 .2 Management reviews and internal environmental audits form part of the Environmental Management System to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness
1 . 3 EMS Objectives are aligned with those of business functions wherever possible
5.0 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and Commitment
Purpose. This procedure defines the responsibilities and expectations of Top Management with respect to the EMS.
To demonstrate that the Leadership Team in conjunction with the Top Management Team, takes the accountability for the effectiveness of the EMS.
Scope. This applies to top level managers within the organisation.
This list covers all the main responsibilities of the top management regarding the EMS.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for the overall implementation of this procedure.
Documented information.
ENV D002 Environmental Policy Statement
ENV D009 Resources, Roles and Responsibilities
ENV D026 Environmental Meeting Minutes
ENV D027 Management Review Meeting Minutes
Procedure. The organisation will need to ensure that it can demonstrate leadership for the Environmental Management System at the most senior level within the organisation covered by the current scope of registration.
Duties/responsibilities of top management in relation to EMS:
Accountable for the effectiveness of the EMS by:
* Chairing of the regular EMS meetings and Annual Management Review meetings at which the Environmental Objectives are set and agreed,
* Setting, agreeing and reviewing environmental objectives and targets,
* Communicating the environmental objectives and targets,
* Being present for the external EMS audits, opening and closing meetings,
* During external audits, the auditor may request some time with top management to discuss their understanding of the environmental management system, the current performance of the system, their level of interaction with the system, the current performance with the system and examples where leadership and support can be demonstrated.
2. Ensure that the environmental policy and the environmental objectives are in place and are compatible with the organisation's context and strategic direction
3. Ensure EMS requirements are integrated into the business processes, where possible.
4. Considering environmental issues in the change management process for example when moving into new markets, new product development etc.
5. Ensure sufficient resources, including support and training are available to effectively implement the EMS.
6. Communicate the importance of effective environmental management and employees as necessary to contribute to the effectiveness of the EMS.
7. Directs and supports management and employees as necessary to contribute to the effectiveness of the EMS,
8. Ensure that EMS achieves its intended outcomes and objectives.
9. Promote continual improvement
10. Where the above tasks are delegated, top management remains accountable for ensuring they are performed.
5.2 Environmental Policy
Purpose. To provide a framework appropriate to the purpose and context of the organisation in the form of the set of commitments for all of the organisations operations to be carried out in an environmentally friendly manner.
To state the long-term direction of the organisation in relation to the environment and to demonstrate its commitment to enhancing its environmental performance.
Scope. This procedure applies to all activities carried out at the company.
It also applies to stages of company's product/service life cycle over which it can exert an influence.
Responsibility. The directors have ultimate responsibility for the approval and implementation of the Environmental Policy.
Documented information.
ENV D002 Environmental Policy Statement
Environmental Policy Statement
XXXXXX is fully committed to minimising the impact of the business on the environment and complying with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other relevant legislation.
In addition, we will strive to maintain the highest possible standards of environmental management, and ensure effective programs are implemented to monitor, audit and review, enabling resources to be effectively deployed, ensuring the continual improvement of environmental performance.
This policy endorses the objectives and environmental standards set out by XXXXXX creating a framework for environmental management and communication to interested parties. This policy will be displayed to our employees, contractors, visitors and other stakeholders in the site reception, on company notice boards, published in handbook and internet.
The directors of XXXXXX will accept ultimate responsibility for the environmental affairs.
The XXXXX XXXXXX will oversee the day-to-day operation of the policy by delegating specific tasks and responsibilities to appropriate people and departments.
Policy principles
* By adopting the principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and making the most efficient use of available resources, we will endeavour to minimise our impact on the environment,
* We are committed to to policy of continuous improvement in all areas of utilities, waste and emissions and the prevention of all forms of pollution in order to protect the environment,
* We will endeavour to protect the environment through the sustainable use of resources where practicable and the consideration of product design in order to minimise environmental impact in production, use and disposal,
* We will comply with applicable legal and other requirements which relate to our environmental aspects
* We set environmental objectives and targets for all aspects of the business that are monitored and reviewed
* The policy will be audited and reviewed at regular periods,
* Measurement of success will be in terms of financial benefits and reduction in carbon emissions
* XXXXXX shall provide education and training to all relevant employees regarding environmental matters and shall ensure contractors and suppliers meet our organisational standards.
XXXXXX expects employees at all levels to take reasonable steps to ensure their actions to do not affect the environment and cooperate with management to meet statutory requirements.
Signed: ........................................
Name: ..........................................
Date: ............................................
Policy Implementation.
The Business Environmental Policy is displayed at reception and on the notice boards within the site.
Copies of the Business Environmental Policy are available to interested parties on request.
The Business Environmental Policy is reviewed by top management at least annually at the Environmental Management Review Meeting. Any proposed modifications to the policy are forwarded to the Environmental Coordinator for consideration.
The Business Environmental Policy is communicated to all employees working for the organisation.
Top Management ensures the Business Environmental Policy conforms to the requirements of ISO14001 as follows:
Is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organisation including the nature, scale and the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services.
Provides a framework for setting environmental objectives.
Includes at lest the following commitments:
* To protect the environment, including a commitment to prevent pollution and other commitments specific to the context of the organisation. Commitments may also address broader opportunities ( e.g related to climate change mitigation and adaption of preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems)
* To conform to all compliance obligations
* To aim to continually improve the EMS to enhance the organisations environmental performance.
3. Is maintained as documented information.
4. Is communicated within the organisation, including a person's doing work under the organisation's control
5. Is readily available to interested parties
6. Is aligned with the organisation's business objectives and targets where possible
5.3 Organisational Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
Purpose. This procedure defines the responsibilities related to Environmental Management. It covers all main responsibilities but it is not to be considered exhaustive. The roles designate responsibility for ensuring the EMS conforms to the requirements of ISO14001 and for reporting the performance of the EMS to top management.
Scope. The procedure applies to all relevant employees and the resources available for the EMS and its activities within the business. The Organisation Chart is communicated to all personnel within the company and to contractors as relevant.
Responsibility. Top management, to include the director is responsible for the overall implementation of the Environmental Management System.
Documented information.
ENV D009 Resources, Roles and Responsibilities
Definition of responsibilities. Those assigned responsibilities and authorities should understand this in the context of what the EMS is trying to achieve.
HSE Manager
* Has overall responsibility for the effect that the site operation has on the environment.
* To ensure that the EMS conforms to the requirements of ISO14001:2015
* Responsibility for the general welfare and safety of the workforce
* To ensure that environmental legislation identified is implemented and monitored through periodic auditing
* To ensure that the environmental objectives relating to production are agreed and met
* To perform the tasks in relation to the environmental management system in compliance with the requirement as stated in the environmental manuals
Technical Manager
* To ensure that the design and development meets customer requirements and that production is carried out in the most economical and environmentally friendly way
* To perform his/her tasks in relation to the environmental management system in compliance with the requirements as stated in the environmental manual.
Environmental coordinator
* To ensure the site complies with environmental licences and permits
* To manage and supervise the implementation of the Environmental Policy within the site
* Act as the site environmental representative
* Ti implement, maintain and monitor the environmental management system in accordance with ISO14001:2015
* report the performance of the environmental management system to top management for review and as a basis for improvement
* To perform internal environmental audits in accordance with the agreed program
* Provide support to other group of Environmental auditors
* Notify Environmental Manager if there will be difficulties completing audits to program in time to allow contingencies to be implemented
* To provide access to a Register of Legislation
* Review and update the Environmental Policy Statement, notify the group of amendments and ensure the policy is available for use
* To ensure that each department's responsibility for environmental issues is adequately documented and records are maintained to demonstrate conformity
* To initiate action as needed and verify that it has taken place
* To communicate with internal and external bodies and organisations
* To select and authorise the external auditing body for ISO14001
Engineering Manager
* To ensure that resources are available so that plant and equipment is maintained under the preventive maintenance system
* To agree the environmental objectives relating to engineering and ensure resources are available to they can be achieved
* In the absence of the Environmental Manager he/she receives external correspondence received by the business relating to environmental issues
Production Manager/Shift Supervisors
* To ensure all work is performed in accordance with stated procedures
* To ensure that safety equipment is used, and instructions followed
* To ensure that environmental objectives relating to their areas are met
Team members
* To perform their tasks in accordance with stated procedures
* To ensure that safety equipment is used and instructions followed
* To ensure that the environmental objectives relating to their areas are met
6.0 Planning
6.1 Actions to address Risks and Opportunities
6 1.1 General
* To plan, implement and maintain a process to meet the requirements of 6.1 considering the context of the organisation and scope of the EMS.
* To determine the risks and opportunities associated with environmental aspects, compliance obligations and the context of the company.
* To give assurance that the EMS can achieve its intended outcomes.
* To prevent or reduce undesired effects, including the potential for external environmental conditions to affect the organisation.
Scope. This procedure applies to:
* Activities carried out on site by and on behalf of the company, including abnormal operations and emergency situations
* Products and services provided by the organisation
* External processes associated with the company over which it can extend influence
Responsibility. Planning and implementation of the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of the director.
The Environmental Manager has been designated the role for the implementation of this procedure.
Documented information.
ENV D001 Business Context Statement
ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
ENV D003 Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification
ENV D004 Environmental Objectives and Targets
ENV D026 Environmental Meeting Minutes
ENV D027 Management Review Meeting Minutes
* The EMS is planned regarding the Context of the organisation and scope of the EMS
* During annual review of the register of aspects and impacts, the organisation considers the relevant context statement - this may result in reclassifying some aspects and impacts due to the changing issues or requirements of interested parties identified within the context
* Risks and opportunities are determined regarding:
- Environmental aspects, including emergency situations,
- Compliance obligations
- Any other issues and requirements identified in the Business Context Statement
- From this a list of Risks and Opportunities is established
- Past impacts and incidents should be considered when establishing aspects
- Future aspects should also be considered such as an extension, new production line, product etc.
* From this list, EMS objectives and targets are set accordingly along with processes and and timeframes outlining how and when they will be achieved
* The Annual Management Review assess the performance of the EMS against its agreed objectives for the previous year
* Relevant personnel are then informed of their duties to ensure that the EMS achieves the objectives
6 1.2 Environmental Aspects
Purpose. To identify, quantify, document and review the environmental aspects of the organisation's activities, products and services that it can influence and the associated environmental impacts considering a life-cycle perspective. A procedure for communication of significant environmental aspects among the various levels and functions of the organisation is also outlined.
Scope. This procedure applies to all activities carried out at the company, including abnormal operations and potential emergency situations. It also applies to stages of the company's product/service life cycle over which it can extend an influence.
Responsibility. Planning the implementation of the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of the director. The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role for the implementation of this procedure.
Documented information.
ENV D001 Business Context Statement
ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
ENV D006 Environmental Impact Assessment Register
Identification of environmental aspects. Environmental aspects and possible environmental impacts are determined by the Environmental Management Team in combination with Top Management, to include the responsible director. This is carried by the examination of the inputs and outputs of the existing activities from the life-cycle perspective.
Involved is:
* An examination of legislative and regulatory requirements
* Physical inspection of the activity
* Studying and monitoring data of inputs/outputs ( chemical analysis, water and energy usage, yields)
* Consultation with employees, authorities, industry experts,
* Examination of any complaints, corrective actions requests, non-conformances and observations raised as a result of internal and external audits
* Any other suitable method
The possible aspects and impacts of the activities are examined ( including new activities) during the planning of that activity, with the consideration of the life-cycle stages which can be influenced by the organisation. In the case of a major activity, an environmental impact assessment may be required.
Where an existing activity is modified to such an extend that inputs/outputs will change significantly, the aspects and impacts of that activity must be examined prior to the activity being modified. Environmental objectives are modified accordingly if any new impact is considered significant.
Abnormal conditions and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations are also considered.
Determining the significance of environmental aspects. The initial significance of environmental aspects is determined by assessing whether the tasks, activities and services will create Direct or Indirect Aspects.
Aspects are then logged into the Significant Aspects register.
A distinction is made between Direct and Indirect aspects.
Direct Aspects. These are associated with the company activities, products and services and site emissions.
Indirect aspects. These are identified as:
* Supplier and contractors activities.
* Raw material extraction, processing and transporting prior to purchase and the impacts associated with these
* The further use and/or disposal of products after they have been delivered to the customer.
The Aspects Register is scored using (i) = Insignificant, (s) = Significant.
Considering the following Aspects which are valued, the values consider the type, size and frequency of an aspect and the potential scale, severity and duration of the associated impact.

These aspects are rated in 9 elements of the business

This is scored in Normal, Abnormal and Emergency situations where:

The Grand Total of the Significance is then reviewed, if rated at 90 or above the next stage of the Environmental Risk Assessment must be completed.
The further significance of the Aspects is ascertained by completing the Environmental Risk Assessment Form, which rates Environmental Impacts.
For each Aspect a rank order is assigned of respect of:
A. Probability
B. Severity
C. Legal Compliance
D. Controls
The below equation is used to grade environmental risk rating:
A + B + C x D = R ( Risk Rating)
Using the indicators and values in the charts:


Legal Compliance


The results of this impact rating and the controls utilised are then reviewed to understand the level of threat risk to the environment.
The review takes the form of traffic light system where the following is applied:
BLUE 1-3 Insignificant Risk - very unlikely to pollute or cause ant disruption to operations
GREEN - 4-13 Low Risk - can be addressed by identifying areas where localised minor improvements to working procedures exist and can be implemented by management or supervision. These are documented where necessary within Work Instructions. Any environmental impact classified as Green is reversible within 1-3 months.
AMBER 14-32 Medium Risk - these medium risk items are considered for inclusion in the environmental objectives and targets. An action plan is completed with targets and objectives set. Environmental impacts classified as AMBER are typically reversible within 1-2 years.
RED 33-44 - High risk - these items are to be reacted to immediately and not allowed to proceed without implementing Immediate Actions or Emergency Procedures to reduce impact and re-calculate the revised procedure accordingly.
BLACK 48-45 - Very high risk - Immediate risk to the environment with long lasting effects and/or serious repercussions for the business which may result in legal action. Operations should cease until a solution to the problem is found.

An initial environmental risk rating is first ascertained which will consider the existing controls. If the initial environmental risk assessment shows the existing controls to be inadequate to protect the environment, additional controls must be implemented, and the environmental risk assessment process be revisited to gain residual environmental risk rating.
Significant aspects with the greatest risk must be prioritised for corrective action and added onto the immediate Corrective actions log.
Communicating Significant Environmental Aspects. Employees carrying out activities associated with significant environmental aspects are informed of their role of ensuring compliance ( i.e through following the environmental procedure). They are also informed of any changes to procedures and of the outcomes of Annual Management Review meetings.
Documenting Aspects. A register of aspects is developed from the analysis conducted by top management and the Environmental Management Team. All the environmental Aspects and Consequent Impacts arising from company's activities are documented in Register of Aspects, Environmental Impact Assessment and Corrective Actions log.
significant Aspects are considered when setting Environmental Objectives and Targets.
Documented information:
* Criteria used to determine significant environmental aspects ( section 2 of 6.1.2)
* ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
* ENV D006 Environmental Risk Assessment Register
Review. Each Significant Aspect is reviewed at least annually as part of the Annual Management Review.
Responsibility/Authority. The Environmental Coordinator is responsible for approving the register of aspects. The implementation of the EMS is ultimate responsibility of a director.
New/Second Hand Equipment. As per the site procurement procedure all new or second hand equipment is risk assessed for environmental impacts before installation on site. This process is to be included in the Purchase Agreement and be discussed at the project meetings.
6 1.3 Compliance Obligations
* To determine at the detailed level and have access to the compliance obligations identified in 4.2 that are applicable to the environmental aspects and determine how do they apply to the organisation.
* To account for these compliance obligations when establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improve the company's EMS.
* To identify and outline the procedure for communicating relevant requirements to appropriate personnel.
* This procedure applies to legal and other mandatory obligations that the organisation is required to comply with as well as obligations over which the organisation has discretion over whether to adopt.
* It applies to the sourcing, recording and review of environmental legislation, regulations and licences.
* This clause is implemented in combination with Context Statement and Register of Aspects ( which detail and quantify the risks and opportunities to the EMS) and the Register of Legislation which details company's compliance status with relevant legislation.
Responsibility. Planning and implementation of the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of the director.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role for the implementation of this procedure.
Documented information.
ENV D001 Business Context Statement
ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
ENV D008 Register of Legislation and Regulations
Environmental Permit
Implementation. The following interested parties identified in 4.2 have been deemed as having requirements to compliance obligations within the EMS:
* Employees
* Owners of the business
* Local Authorities
* Environmental Agency
* Local Community
* Society as a whole
* Insurers
* Emergency Services
Compliance with these interested parties requirements is via procedures outlined in the Environmental Procedures manual.
6 1.4 Planning Actions
Purpose. To take actions to adequately address:
* Significant environmental aspects
* Compliance obligations
* Risks and opportunities
* To ensure the actions are integrated in the EMS processes and business processes where possible
* To evaluate the effectiveness of these actions
Scope. This procedure applies to all activities across the company's site as detailed in 4.3.
Responsibility. Planning the implementation of the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of the director.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role for the implementation of this procedure.
Documented information.
ENV D001 Business Context Statement
D004 Environmental Objectives and Targets
ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
ENV D003 Environmental Aspects and Impacts Identification and Assessment
Significant Environmental Aspects. All Significant Environmental Aspects ( significant risks) as identified in the Register of Aspects have an Environmental Objective dedicated to the continual improvement to that impact and a manager assigned to its success.
This is facilitated through the Management Review meetings and through the adherence to procedures outlined in the Environmental Procedures Manual. Operational activities have specific concerns and controls identified on the SOP.
External environmental conditions, such as flood, storm, snow, which have the capacity to affect out environmental impact negatively are planned for accordingly with the Business Continuity Plan and various maintenance contracts.
Opportunities. All opportunities as identified in the Context Statement have an Environmental Objective/Strategy dedicated to the investigation / implementation of that Opportunity in the Environmental Objectives spreadsheet and the manager assigned to its success.
6.2 Environmental Objectives and Planning to achieve them
6.2.1 Environmental Objectives
Purpose. This procedure defines the process of establishing environmental objectives and opportunities, quantifying targets and implementing strategies to achieve this.
Scope. The procedure applies to company's environmental objectives and targets.
Responsibility. Planning the implementation of the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of the director. The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role for the implementation of the procedure.
Documented information.
ENV D001 Business Context Statement
ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
D004 Environmental Objectives and Targets
Sustainability Strategy
Characteristics of Environmental Objectives and Targets.
* Environmental Objectives and Targets relate Significant Environmental Aspects, compliance obligations and opportunities identified in the Context Statement
* They also relate to the Technological options, and financial, operational and business requirements
* They are set at relevant functions and levels of the organisation - strategic, tactical and operational
*They are consistent with the environmental policy, monitored, communicated and updated as appropriate
* Targets are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Timed
6.2.2 Planning Actions to Achieve Environmental Objectives
Purpose. This procedure outlines the actions to be taken to achieve environmental objectives and how results are evaluated.
Scope. This procedure applies to company's environmental objectives and targets.
Responsibility. Planning the implementation of the EMS is the ultimate responsibility of the director.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role for the implementation of the procedure.
Documented information.
ENV D001 Business Context Statement
ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
D004 Environmental Objectives and Targets
ENV D026 Environmental Meeting Minutes
ENV D027 Management Review Meeting Minutes
Sustainability Strategy
Environmental Objectives.
The Environmental Objectives set out the strategies and the schedule for achieving the specified environmental objectives and targets at relevant functions the levels of the organisation - strategic, tactical and operational.
Environmental objectives are based on the Register of Aspects, compliance obligations are opportunities identified in the Context statement.
For each Environmental Objective, the following is decided:
* Strategies required to meet environmental objectives and targets
* Monitoring of objectives and targets required
4. The performance of environmental Objectives is reviewed annually at the Environmental Management Review meeting, at which time the targets for the following year are defined.
5. Environmental Performance must be reported monthly to management through KPIs. For the main indicators ( water, energy, waste).
6. The tasks set out are carried out and monitored through the regular environmental meetings.
7. Environmental objectives are amended as a result of progress reporting, when relevant activities, products, services or programs are modified, or relevant legislation introduced.
8. Environmental Objectives are communicated to all employees at least once a year.
9. Business and EMS Objectives are aligned when possible in order to integrate EMS objectives into the business processes. This integration is ensured by the director chairing and inputting into the Annual Management Review meetings.
10. Uncontrolled copies of the Environmental Objectives are distributed to the Environmental Teams and other employee deemed necessary.
7. Support
7.1 Resources
Purpose. This procedure defines the requirements relating to the resources for the EMS.
Scope. This procedure applies to the company's EMS:
Resources refers to any of:
* Human resources ( i.e specialised skills and knowledge)
* Natural resources
* Infrastructure ( i.e required buildings, systems, drainage systems, pumps, space etc)
* Technology
* Financial resources
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring sufficient resources are available for the operation of the EMS. The Environmental Coordinator and other Managers as appropriate ensure adequate reporting and resource requirements and compliance with the EMS.
Documented information.
D004 Environmental Objectives and Targets
ENV D026 Environmental Meeting Minutes
ENV D027 Management Review Meeting Minutes
Procedure. Resources are made available for the: establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the EMS and its activities within the business.
The resources required to achieve environmental objectives are determined at the EMS Management Review and are specified in the Environmental Objectives, along with the intended date of achievement.
7.2 Competence
Purpose. To establish the procedure for determining the necessary competence levels for persons carrying out activities that affect or have the potential to affect the environmental performance of the company.
To establish and maintain a system for ensuring that employees within the company are qualified by appropriate training, education and/or knowledge to undertake duties associated with significant environmental effects.
Scope. This procedure applies to all persons:
* whose work has the potential to cause a significant environmental impact
* who are assigned responsibilities for the EMS, including those who:
- determine or evaluate the environmental impacts or compliance obligations
- contribute to the achievement of an environmental objective
- respond to emergency situations
- perform to internal audits
- perform evaluations of compliance
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring sufficient competence levels among those whose work is associated with the EMS. The Head of H&S and Environment, and the Environmental Coordinator in conjunction with Human Resources have been designated the role of the implementation of this procedure.
* Implementation and Operational Procedure Manual
* Company's training procedure - HR document
* Training records including Agency staff
* Contractor induction records
- All personnel performing tasks that may cause an environmental impact shall be competent by means of appropriate education, training and/or knowledge/experience
- The Human Resource Office holds all training records
2. Training
- The H&S and Environment Manager along the Human Resources identifies the key personnel with the knowledge and skills to achieve environmental objectives. This includes those team members who are trained and are responsible for environmental auditing
- All personnel within the organisation are provided with the appropriate training to conform to the environmental policy and to understand the significance of the environmental impacts arising from their work activities. Training takes the form of induction, or is written to job specific SOPs on a continual of needs arise basis.
- The training undertaken by team members are recorded on their training record. These records are kept, indefinitely, in the Human Resource office. Training records for agency employees ( temporary employees of the company) are retained by the agency and are subject to review on request.
- The Environmental Manager reviews the training needs of all team members at least once every 12 months and discusses these needs where appropriate with the director and the department head. It is also the responsibility of each manager to ensure that all team members have received environmental training. This should be included on the department training plan.
- The training plan is developed every 12 months as an aid in assisting in identifying those team members requiring training.
- The environmental training for each team member is established and controlled by the Environmental Coordinator and when appropriate with the director. Records of training are held which includes the following where applicable:
* Record of successful completion of induction
* Environmental System Training
2 .4
* Details of environmental course attended
7.3 Awareness
Purpose. To ensure persons doing work under the company's control are aware of:
* The Environmental Policy
* The significant environmental aspects
* The related or actual potential impacts associated with their work
* Their contribution to the effectiveness of the EMS, including the benefits of enhanced environmental performance
* The implications of not conforming with the EMS including compliance obligations
Scope. This procedure applies to all persons carrying activities that affect or have the potential to affect the environmental performance of the company.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring sufficient awareness levels among those whose work is associated with the EMS.
Environmental Manager in conjunction with Human Resource has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documented information.
* Company's Training procedure and Induction
* Contractors Induction
* Visitors Induction
Awareness Strategy.
* Each department manager and the Environmental Coordinator are responsible for building awareness and motivating team members by explaining the organisation's environmental values and communicating its commitment to its environmental policy.
* This commitment is reinforced by means of training for current and new team members to encourage understanding and sharing in the organisation's commitment to environmental values. The organisation's environmental policy statement is on display to communicate its intentions to interested parties.
* All team members should understand and are encouraged to accept the importance of achieving the environmental objectives and targets, relevant to the team member. Team members are made aware of the objectives and targets on a yearly basis.
* The environmental achievements of the organisation and its team members are recognised by regular communication of the outcome of the progress towards environmental objectives, following review meetings and analysis of performance through minutes and display notice.
* All contractors complete a declaration stating that they have been instructed as to the health, safety and environmental requirements of the business before commencing any work on site and will obey all relevant rules.
7.4 Communication
* To plan and implement a process for internal and external communications relevant to the EMS which considers the Company's Context and Compliance Obligations.
* To ensure Environmental Information is reliable and is consistent with the information generated with the EMS.
* To ensure appropriate actions are taken in response to correspondence received relating to environmental issues.
Scope. This procedure applies to the company's EMS as defined by 4.3 and 4.4.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring effective internal and external communication regarding the EMS.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Internal Communications Procedure.
Internal Communications relevant to the EMS are managed by the Environmental Coordinator.
The following are communicated to Top Management, employees and contractors where necessary:
* Environmental Policy
* Strategies required to meet EMS objectives as detailed in Objectives and Targets
* Progress towards achievement of environmental objectives
* Results of EMS Monitoring
* Management Review Meeting Minutes
* Ad-hoc issues such as recent occurrences of environmental complaints
* Changes to EMS
This enables persons doing work under the organisation's control to contribute to continual improvement.
3. The Environmental Policy is displayed on the Environmental notice board and reception
The Environmental Policy, environmental aspects and environmental impacts associated with employees' and contractors' work is communicated during training and induction.
External Communications Procedure.
Correspondence received by the company from the public and regulatory bodies relating to environmental issues is managed by the H&S and Environment Manager.
In the event that a complaint is received, an environmental compliant management form is completed by the receiving person. The complaint is investigated by the Environmental Manager and Environmental Coordinator.
In the event that the Environmental Coordinator is absent, the Engineering Manager is responsible for responding to the complaint.
If deemed applicable, An Environmental Corrective and Preventive Action Report is raised to correct or prevent the cause of the complaint.
In the event a correspondence is received from a regulatory body, the HSE Manager or Environmental Coordinator is responsible for the response.
Correspondence is responded to appropriately and without delay.
Where the information required on environmental issues is considered confidential or sensitive, the HSE Manager reviews all information being provided.
Members of the public with environmental queries, upon appointment of up to 24 hours' notice can visit the site Monday - Friday 9;00- 16;00.
All correspondence, Complaint forms and Corrective and Preventive actions forms are retained in the EMS Communications folder and Environmental Records folder as appropriate.
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General
Purpose. To describe the core elements of the Environmental Management System and their interactions and to specify the format and content of related documentation.
Scope. This procedure applies to all documented information in the company's EMS as outlined in 4.4.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring effective procedures are in place and maintained regarding the EMS's documented information. The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Procedures requiring revision and distribution control are termed "controlled". All "controlled" procedures are reviewed and approved by authorised personnel before being issued.
Procedures are available where operations essential to the effective functioning of the Environmental Management System are performed.
Where applicable, the Environmental Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that when changes are required by internal or external influences, environmental documentation is initiated, updated and approved.
Internal controlled EMS documents are maintained in electronic form, with operational controlled copies available in suitable locations, and may include but not limited to:
- ENV D001 Business Context Statement
- ENV D002 Environmental Policy Statement
- ENV D004 Environmental Objectives and Targets
- Environmental Management System Manual
- Environmental Procedures Manual
- Training matrix for tasks involving significant environmental aspects
- ENV D005 Significant Aspects Register
- ENV D006 Environmental Risk Assessment Register
- Master Documents: Environmental forms and records
- ENV D008 Register of Legislation and Regulations
5. The above documents form the core elements of the EMS and outline controls that ensure that the plan operates within the requirements of environmental regulations.
6. Documented information related to external parties, may include but is not limited to:
- ENV D002 Environmental Policy Statement
- Carbon, Waste and Water reduction plan and reports
- Consent licences
- Environmental permits
7. All Environmental forms and records are stored electronically in the Environmental Records Register, Utilities Spreadsheets and Waste-Tracking Spreadsheets as appropriate.
Scanned copies of Waste Transfer and Consignment Notes are held in relevant folders.
Environmental Training Records are kept in the Human Resource Department/ EMS Folder.
7.5.2 Creating and Updating
Purpose. To describe requirements for updating and creating documented information associated with the EMS to ensure consistency, clarity, appropriateness and transparency throughout.
Scope. The procedure applies to all documented information associated with the company EMS as outlined in 4.4.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring effective procedures are in place and maintained regarding the EMS's documented information.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Procedure. When creating and updating documented information, the Environmental Coordinator ensures:
That documented information contains appropriate identification and description ( eg. a title, date, author, reference number, etc as appropriate)
That documented information is appropriately formatted ( e.g multiple languages if necessary, is completed using the correct software version and graphics, is as consistent as possible with equivalent documentation in the EMS etc) and is available in the appropriate media to employees ( paper copy of procedures for employees carrying out tasks)
That appropriate consultation takes place. New and updated documented information is reviewed by relevant persons ( from top management to employees carrying out tasks associated with the environmental aspects) to confirm its adequacy.
Any changes are added to the change control section of the EMS Manual.
7.5.3 Control of Documented information
Purpose. To establish and maintain a system which ensures that documented information associated with the EMS meets the required criteria, is available for employees whose activities have the potential to affect the EMS, is reviewed for adequacy and is approved by authorised personnel where applicable.
Scope. This procedure applies to all documented information in the company's EMS, as outlined in 4.4.
Regarding documented information associated with the EMS, the system encompasses:
* the distribution, access, retrieval and use,
* the storage, preservation and maintenance,
* control of changes and
* retention and disposal
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring effective procedures are in place and maintained regarding the EMS's Documented Information.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documented information. 7.4 Communications
Control of Environmental Manual and Environmental Procedures
1 .1 The Environmental Coordinator is responsible for the control, review and approval for the Environmental Manual and the Environmental Procedures Register.
1 .2 Master copies of the Environmental Manual and Environmental Procedures Register are maned by the H&S and Environmental Department, being made available electronically on the company network, for access to all who need them.
1 .3 The H&S and Environmental department is responsible for the issue of the Environmental Manual and the Environmental Procedures Register. One hard copy is retained, with a read only copy being available on the company network.
1 .4 The electronic mater copy is considered controlled with access for updating only available to H&S and Environmental department. Printed copies of all documents will be considered uncontrolled.
2. Amendments to Environmental Manual and Environmental Procedures
2 .1 A change control list is inserted at the front of the Master Environmental Procedures Register. The revision status, date of each revision and description of the change.
2 .2 If a situation arises or is identified that requires an update or amendment to a section of Environmental Manual or Environmental Procedures, the amendment requires to be brought to the attention of Environmental Coordinator.
2 .3 Amendments to documented information relevant to the Environmental Management System must be approved by the Environmental Coordinator.
2 .4 All copies of the document to be amended and withdrawn by the Environmental Coordinator, who then implements the agreed change. The updated document is returned to the folder of the company network and relevant personnel are advised on the amendment.
2 .5 The master copy of the obsolete document is transferred to a separate electronic active folder, accessible only to H&S and Environmental department and retained for reference purposes for 5 years as an obsolete master document. After the retention period has passed, the obsolete master copy is destroyed to ensure that is does not re-enter circulation.
2 .6 The latest Environmental Procedures are available at the work area of relevant employee's area. Obsolete documents are promptly removed.
3. Control of Environmental Forms
3 .1 A master file of Environmental blank forms is retained by the H&S and Environmental department. The environmental blank forms revision in the master file is the current revision.
3 .2 In an environmental blank form becomes obsolete, the Environmental department removes all the obsolete forms from circulation and destroys them.
3 .3 The Environmental Department retains the "master copy" of the obsolete environmental blank form for 5 years for reference only. The master copy of the obsolete document is transferred to a separate archive electronic folder, accessible only to Environmental department and retains for 5 years as an obsolete master document.
3 .4 Once an environmental form is complete it becomes an environmental record and is filed in an appropriate environmental records folder, within the EMS.
4.0 Control of Register of Aspects and Environmental Objectives
4 .1 The Environmental Coordinator reviews and approve the Register of Aspects and Environmental Objectives before they are issued.
4 .2 Read-only copies of Significant Aspects and Environmental Programme are made available electronically on the company network, for access by all who need them. Printed copies are considered uncontrolled.
4 .3 The Environmental Coordinator is responsible for the issue of both documents.
4 .4 Master documents are retained by the H&S and Environmental Department.
4 .5 Once a register of programme becomes obsolete, the Environmental Department ensures all relevant personnel are advised to work only with the updated version.
4 .6 The H&S and Environmental department retains the "master copy" of the obsolete document which are transferred to a separate electronic folder accessible only to H&S and Environmental department and retained for reference purposes for 5 years as an obsolete master document.
5.0 Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
5 .1 Safety Data Sheets are filed by each department which uses or controls the substance of material.
5 .2 Each department is responsible for the issue of its own SDS's.
5 .3 Electronic copies of the MSDS are maintained by the H&S and Environmental department and stored on the system where they are accessible to all personnel who requires access.
5 .4 The electronic access to the MSDSs in the shared folder are the current issue.
5 .5 All printed SDS are to be considered uncontrolled.
5 .6 Once an SDS becomes obsolete, each department manager who controls the substance or material ensures that all relevant personnel are advised and that an updated version is available.
5 .7 A master COSHH file is held by the H&S department.
6.0 External documentation
6.1 All external documents are reviewed and controlled by the Environmental Coordinator in Electronic format. These includes ENV D008 Register of Legislation and Regulations, Consents and Environmental Permits.
7.0 Content of Master Documents
7.1 The Environmental records should be legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service involved. All records are stored in such a way that they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss.
7 .2 Where applicable, the relevant Environmental Objective number, identification, indexing, maintenance and retention of Environmental records are defined in the Register - Master Content.
7.3 Environmental training records are held in the Human Resource department.
8.0 Operation
Purpose. To provide a system which ensures that the business recognises and is prepared for accidental and emergency situation ( outline 6.1.1) that either or will have the potential to create an incident that will have a significant environmental impact.
Scope. This procedure applies to all of the operations within the company and includes any emergency procedures designed to protect the health and safety of the employees, contractors, visitors and general public.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring effective emergency preparedness and response procedures are in place and maintained. The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documentation. Master forms and records.
Where incidents occur which either have or may have significant environmental impact, these incidents are documented and presented to the next Environmental Management Review meeting by the Environmental Manager for review and procedural revision where necessary.
2. Emergency procedures.
a) Evaluation procedures in case of fire are detailed in the H&S Emergency Response Procedures
b) Major incident handling is covered by the Business Continuity Plan
c) Chemical spill response procedures are covered in SOPs
3. Testing procedures
a) In line with company's procedures and arrangements the Business Contingency Plan is tested normally on an annual basis with an actual event qualifying as a test.
b) In line with H&S procedures, the evacuation procedures are tested annually. False alarm activations that result in Evacuation constitute a test of the system, and depending on performance may lead to another test
c) The chemical spill procedure is tested on an annual basis of a mock spill if a real spill have not been recorded during the year. If there has been a real spill, the response to the spill is evaluated to determine if an additional spill is required.
d) Records of Emergency or Incident Response Testing are maintained in H&S Management System.
4. Training and information
a) Employees are trained in potential emergency situations that may occur on site and in the Evacuation procedures.
b) Contractors are given necessary information to ensure that they are aware of potential emergency situations on site and the Evacuation procedures.
9. Performance evaluations
9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
9 .1.1 General
Purpose. To establish and maintain a system for the identification, monitoring, measuring, analysis and evaluation on the regular basis the key characteristics of the company operations and activities that have a significant impact on the environment.
Scope. This procedure applies to all the operations and activities of the business that can have a significant impact on the environment, and related to compliance obligations or could affect progress the organisation's environmental objectives, using indicators where possible.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring the EMSs performance is evaluated effectively.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of the implementation of this procedure.
Documentation. Master documents and records. Environmental Procedures Register. Environmental monitoring data.
The site measures and monitors, on a regular basis the key characteristics of its operations and activities that have a significant impact on the environment as detailed in 8.1 Operational control and those are required by compliance obligations, at intervals as required.
2. Environmental measuring and monitoring is carried out by suitable testing equipment/facilities in accordance with approved environmental procedures. The results of environmental monitoring and measuring are recorded on the appropriate environmental records.
3. Company's environmental performance is reported on a monthly basis to a central database in the form of Data Collection form. Information reported includes:
* Finished Product Tonnage
* Total Electricity Usage
* Natural Gas Usage
* Auto LPG/ Propane Usage
* Greenhouse Gas (CO2) Emissions
* Water Usage
* Packaging Usage
* Water effluent volume
* Tonnages of all relevant waste streams
* Non-compliances and costs associated with the above
4. This allows tracking and analysis of the following KPIs: carbon, water and waste.
5. Performance against targets is reviewed by senior management at the annual Environmental Management Review meeting and also by the site management team at the Environmental Meetings for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the EMS.
6. Monitoring equipment is calibrated and maintained as appropriate. Records of calibration are retained according to approved documented procedures.
7. The company communicates information relevant to the environmental performance both internally and externally as determined by its communication process and compliance obligations.
9 .1.2 Evaluation of compliance
Purpose. To facilitate the evaluation of compliance with compliance obligations identified in 6.1.3 and applicable permits and licences.
Scope. This procedure applies to evaluation of compliance of environmental regulation, legislation and licences.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring the EMS's performance is evaluated effectively. The Environmental coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documented information. Register of legislation, permits and licences.
The Environmental Coordinator is responsible for developing and maintaining an agreement for consulting services that source and review current legislation and regulations that relate to environmental issues to the business.
The Environmental Coordinator ensures that the Register of Legislation and Regulations is maintained in accordance with 6.1.3 is evaluated for compliance with suitable contractors, annually.
The results of an External Compliance audit are included as part on an internal audit process and any actions identified form part of the Environmental objectives.
The Environmental Coordinator ensures that the requirements of all other permits and licences are known by all relevant personnel.
The Environmental Coordinator, via records maintained and licence details, evaluates compliance against all effective permits and licences.
Compliance-related non-conformities are analysed and acted upon by the Environmental Coordinator. They are recorded in the Non-conformance master document.
9.2 Internal Audits
9.2.1 General
Purpose. To determine whether the EMS:
* Conforms to the company's own requirements for its EMS
* Conforms to the requirements of ISO14001:2015
* Is effectively implemented and maintained
Scope. This procedure applies to the Environmental Management System operated by the company.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring the EMS's performance is evaluated effectively. The Environmental Manager has been designated for the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documented information.
1. Environmental internal audit folder.
2. Environmental Corrective and Preventive Action Tracker
3. ENV D028 Environmental Audit Schedule
4. ENV D029 Environmental corrective Actions Log
The Environmental Coordinator ensures:
* All areas of the site and operations relevant to the EMS are included in the audit schedule
* Findings of audits are assessed as appropriate. Observations of non-conformities are followed-up upon.
* An evaluation of the reasons for occurrence and the effectiveness of actions taken is carried out.
* Auditors have received appropriate training and free from bias.
9 .2.2 Internal Audit
Purpose. To establish, implement and maintain a system for verifying the effectiveness and implementation of the Environmental Management System and to ensure its conformity to ISO14001:2015.
Scope. This procedure applies to the Environmental Management System operated by the company.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring the EMSs performance is evaluated effectively. The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
1. Environmental internal audit folder.
2. Environmental Corrective and Preventive Action Tracker
3. ENV D028 Environmental Audit Schedule
4. ENV D029 Environmental corrective Actions Log
The Environmental Coordinator complies an Environmental Audit Schedule for the year. The Schedule takes account for the significant environmental aspects, the outputs of environmental monitoring, any previous occurrences of accidents or any emergency situations that resulted or could have resulted in an environmental impact and the results of previous audits.
The schedule ensures that all aspects of the EMS, all sections of the standard and all relevant on-site processes are audited at frequency depending on the status and the importance of the activity. The Environmental Audit Schedule will specify the area to be audited and the time of the audit. The audit schedule is updated if extra audits are deemed necessary.
The Auditor prepares for the audit which includes:
* An Environmental Audit Check Sheet
* Confirm the auditing arrangements by informing the area under review in advance of the audit and checking the availability of relevant personnel in advance of the audit
* Gather the relevant documents under review for the audit
* Examining the results and outcomes or previous audit reports
4. The auditor undertakes the audit by examining objective evidence and recording the details on the Environmental Audit Check Sheet
5. Each audit observation references the applicable ISO14001 requirement. Where discrepancies are identified, they are assigned a number for the audit.
6. The auditor where possible convenes a closing meeting with Management Representative and presents an objective overview of the audit and summarise the results on to ensure it is understood.
7. The Environmental Corrective and Preventive Action Tracker is updated
8. To resolve any non-conformance found, or observations made if applicable.
9. All completed records related to internal environmental management audits are held in the audit reports file.
10. If required, follow up audits are undertaken to verify the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action.
11. Results of internal audits are communicated to management, where relevant and to senior management during the Annual Management Review.
Certification Body Audits
Non-compliances or corrective actions raised, as a result of certification audits, are actioned by the Environmental Coordinator.
9.3 Management Review
Purpose. To ensure that regular reviews of the EMS occur at determined intervals to ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
Scope. The Management Review covers the whole EMS at a high level of an annual basis.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring an appropriate Management Review of EMS take place at least annually.
The Environmental Manager has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documented information. Management Review Minutes - Environmental Management Review File
Management Review Meetings are held at least once every year.
Personnel attending the Management Review Meetings may include the director, Environmental Coordinator, H&s and Environmental Manager, Engineering Manager and any other personnel considered appropriate by the Environmental Coordinator.
The Environmental Coordinator arranges for the minutes of the meeting to be recorded.
Actions Arising and the persons responsible for those actions are included in the minutes.
The management Review should be robust and comprehensive and include discussions/minutes on all sections introduced by the ISO14001:2015 standard. The meeting includes a review of the following as applicable:
• The minutes and status of actions of the previous Management Review meeting
• The changes in external and internal issues relevant to the EMS, including the requirements of interested parties and changes in compliance obligations
• The changes in legislation and relevance to the business
• Review of significant aspects
• Performance against stated objectives and targets
• System non-conformances including emergencies and spills
• Corrective and preventive actions
• Monitoring and measurement results and conformity to compliance obligations
• The results of audits and legal compliance review
• Communications from interested parties, including complaints
• Opportunities for continual improvement
• The adequacy of the resources required for maintaining an effective EMS
• The Environmental Policy
• Training requirements
6. The outputs of the management review include:
• Conclusions on the continuing adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS
• Decisions related to continual improvement opportunities
• Any changes required to the EMS
• Decisions related to continual improvement opportunities
• Any changes required to the EMS, including resource needs
• Actions to meet objectives that have not been met where necessary
• Opportunities for further integrate EMS into the business process
• Any implications for the strategic direction of the Company
7. Minutes of meetings are circulated to all attendees, and any other personnel considered appropriate by the Environmental Coordinator.
8. The Environmental Coordinator maintains the follow up records of all actions.
9. The H&S and Environmental department maintains the file of the original minutes in a file known as Environmental Management Review file.
10. Improvement
10.1 General
Purpose. To determine opportunities for improvement and implement necessary actions to achieve the intended outcomes of the EMS.
Scope. The procedure applies to the EMS operated by the company.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring continual improvement of the EMS.
The Environmental Coordinator has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documented information:
Environmental Corrective and Preventive Actions Log
Register of Legislation
Management Review Minutes
Procedure. Use the outcome of monitoring ( 9.1.1), evaluation of compliance (9.1.2), auditing ( 9.2) and management review (9.3) to identify the necessary actions to achieve the intended outcomes of the EMS.
10.2 Non-conformity and corrective actions
Purpose. To establish and maintain a system for handling environmental complaints, identifying, detecting, and documenting non-conformities as for assuring that conditions which, actually or potentially, have adverse impact on the environment are promptly identified, documented, reported and corrected in order to eliminate occurrence and prevent re-occurrence.
Scope. This procedure applies to environmental complaint and preventive and corrective actions, in relation to findings, conclusions and recommendations reached as a result of monitoring, audits and other reviews of the EMS.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring the continual improvement of the EMS. The Environmental Manager has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
ENV D011 Communication
Internal audit folder
Environmental Compliant Form
Environmental Corrective and Preventive Actions Log
Management Review Minutes
Environmental Complaints.
Procedure. Environmental complaints received by the business are managed as outlined in 7.4
Any environmental condition that has an initial or significant on-going effect on the environment or is in breach of specified requirements of the licences or any other regulatory limits is considered as non-conformance.
Any employee may identify a non-conformance. Where appropriate, his/her supervisor records, analyses and corrects the non-conformance prior to its continuing, where it may have an effect on the environment. The Environmental Coordinator is informed of the non-conformance.
The Environmental Coordinator or any member of environmental team raises the non-conformance using the Corrective and Preventive Action Report.
Corrective Action.
The environmental manager investigates any non-conformances and identifies the root cause and the need for corrective and preventive action, relating to the environmental system. Action is taken based on the magnitude of the problems and the risk encountered.
The Environmental Manager informs the relevant personnel of the corrective and preventive action required.
Where the implementation of corrective and preventive action requires amendments or updates of documented information, such changes are processed in accordance with 7.5 Documented information.
When it is determined that all corrective and preventive actions have been implemented, the Environmental Manager verifies that the implemented solutions have been effective, preventing recurrence of the condition.
Requests for corrective and preventive actions are also raised as a result of:
• Internal environmental system audits
• The detection of any conditions that may be adverse to the operation of the environmental system or likely to cause a non-conformance
• Lack of documented procedures/instructions
6. A summary of the environmental corrective and preventive action reports raised during the year is reviewed at the environmental meetings.
10.3 Continual improvement
Purpose. To state the overall aim of the company's EMS.
Scope. This procedure applies to the whole EMS.
Responsibility. The director is responsible for ensuring continual improvement of the EMS.The Environmental Manager has been designated the role of implementation of this procedure.
Documented information. As outlined in 4.4
Overall aim. Through the actions and at the timescales descried within this manual, the company will strive to continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the EMS in order to enhance the company's environmental performance.