I am going to share with you today 5 best practices in the field of leadership. As Nike has embedded in its maxims to help every athlete to become a better athlete, the concept of leadership I want to share, is very similar. As leaders, we help people to become better leaders themselves. Because no matter where you work, no matter what you do, no matter what your title is - you are a leader.
And that's the idea which separates great organizations from mediocre organizations. The truly world-class organizations understand that to truly lead they need to develop the leaders within the organizations more quickly than the others in the marketplace.
Below I will give you some of the most powerful tools for leadership and taking your career as well as your life to its highest level.
I want to start by saying, first of all, thank you so much for the gift of your time. It is a privilege to share my message here with you today.
One more thing I want to say, that I am not a guru, and always see myself as a work in progress. I have my own fears and challenges.
And I know that I am not alone. We start small, but each day we nurture our dream, each day we get better, and eventually, the dream come true.
What you are about to learn is the work of my research and learning. What you are about to hear have been proven to be practical, powerful and it works.
Part of my job today with you is to be a professional disturber. And what I mean by that is to shake you up a little bit, pull you out of their safe comfort zone. To inspire you and get to see things from a different perspective.
We often resist change and afraid to do things differently and go towards our fears. But deep down we know that if we move towards our challenges we will grow as human beings. But here is the idea, there is no safety in the comfort zone. the most secure place to be in the world we are living is in the unknown. The latest science shows that the human brain craves novelty, and we are happier when we grow and learn.
We need to discover in ourselves the traits of a child once again. Being curious, love to learn, and embrace change.
1. Leadership begins with you

Our lives are defined by the daily small acts of greatness. The things that you are doing today, the small choices, the small improvements, the small acts of kindness, they actually create your future. And that's what leadership stands for. It's about doing your part and taking responsibility to develop other human beings. We can point fingers and blame others or circumstances, but we have the power to make better choices and make an impact. Blaming others its nothing more than excusing yourself. Every time when you point your finger at someone else for what is not working for you, there are three fingers pointing back at you. We can play victims or take responsibility for what is happening to us and our lives. Blaming others truly is excusing yourself. By blaming others you give the person power to change your life. That is not the way to live your life, but you need to ask yourself the fundamental question: what is my role in this situation. The best way to influence another person is to lead by example and model the behavior you want to see. We must be proud of what we do every day, take the work or project you lead and make it the best it can be. Take leadership in creating better value, no matter what your position is. Doing what's right, rather than what's easy. Reach for something higher, not to be promoted but because its the right thing to do. This is the demonstration of excellence and allows you to realize your higher potential.
2. Leaders put people first

Business is all about relationships and people. It's a conversation. So many of us forget that. Here is a big idea: before someone gives you their hand, you need to touch their heart. When you develop a team of respect, they will give back the best of them for you.
A culture where people feel proud of what they do and grow will make a workplace that will wow your customers. It is possible for people to be kind, but it needs to start with you.
Give your best to the team. A great leader of people is, when you give up yourself - people will grow towards you. Every human on this planet has a need to be loved and feel special. Treating people well makes a difference.
Celebrate people and recognize them, because the behavior that gets rewarded its the behavior that gets repeated.
One of the things that your competitors will never be able to copy is a great culture. Great leaders work on their culture and make it special. A culture where ethics matter and people are honored.
3. Move towards action

The greater risk is not to take risks. The greater power is in embracing change. Live is all about learning and to be a better leader we need to learn to take action. The small daily acts of greatness are most important.
The most successful people they don't worry about the big things they make to make a change, but about the small daily consistent steps. The 1% wins. And there is a smart thought for you. If you can improve yourself the 1% each day for the next 30 days, for the one month how much of the improvement you would experience? The obvious answer is 30%. What I have released, most people will not stretch themselves and try something new to improve themselves. When you realize that to get to your best as a human being and help your organization get to the extraordinary, all that is required is to get to the improvement of that 1% per day.
This will lead to making big changes. Consistently focus, step by step, 1% each day. Just think about after 1 year, after 5 years - you are so much ahead of the competition.
Every dream starts small. As a runner, I have started with that simple step around the block. Today, after only 5 months I run half-marathon. With that one decision and being consistent, I have managed to achieve my goal.
Don't be afraid of failure. If you don't experience many setbacks in your life, this means you are not growing enough, you are not stretching yourself enough. So take some action today, and start-up small. Whether its to make that first decision or putting a small on your face or calling that customer to resolve an issue.
4. Self-leadership

So often we forget that organizational leadership begins with human leadership. You cannot lead the team if you do not elevate yourself. You need to do the work to championing and developing yourself. Let me ask you one question:
Can you really elevate passion and energy to your team if you don't have the energy and lack passion?
So organizational leadership starts with self-leadership. Work on yourself to become an extraordinary human being and get the best out of yourself.
With excitement and personal responsibility, you built excitement and responsibility among your team. If you get yourself together you encourage people to get themselves together. Be happy and you will bring happiness. Be productive and you create productivity.
Commit yourself to life-long learning and you will become the best of the best. The love of learning brings remarkable results. Read every day, even for 30 minutes. Reading will elevate and inspire you. You just need that one book to be one step of the goal you want to achieve and take your life into a whole new direction.
5. Work on your leadership legacy

We often try to look good at society, but one of the most important aspects of a good leader is leaving a legacy. It's not about what we get from life, but about what we give to life. Significance and having an impact is one of the most important things in your life. Develop people, make the world a better place. Work on your legacy, and you will be an extraordinary leader.