There are five fundamental steps when dealing with diversity. Let's explore them together.
Understand divercity
1. Respect differences
One of the most important things you need to know that everyone is different. Respect the differences. Appreciate the fact, that people are not better or worse, but they are just different. Different is what makes us unique and we should appreciate those uniquenesses when dealing with diversity.
2. Be assertive
Be assertive, firm and appreciative but also empathetic. When you are assertive, you are going into the conversation with somebody from different culture, be sensitive but also understand that there are differences between us.
3. Learn how others wish to be treated
Any of us has grown up with a golden rule "treat others like you would wish to be treated" but it is interesting to know, that 'I' or 'you' would want to be treated differently. Learn how other cultures would like to be treated. Take time to learn the differences and cultural expectations.
4. Watch your terminology
You should also watch your terminology. Words that we choose to use can mean different things in different cultures. They may sound similar, but be very different. So, ensuring that as you use a certain language, you may want to know how it could be interpreted by others.
5. Be a force for change
When you are dealing with diversity, being a force for change and being a force for understanding and appreciation, recognition of differences in a positive way can influence and inspire everyone around you. Then, you can definitely be seen as a professional.
Gender differences
In various cultures, genders are received in different ways. There are cultures where genders engage differently with one another, or there are cultures where a man do not speak with a woman, or woman do not speak with the man. It's just a difference.
It is not better or worse. It is just different.
Recognising how different cultures treat different genders is important.
There are also variations in names. Different cultures could use the last name first or the last name last. So, recognising that and understanding that could be very important.
Business cards

There are also cultural norms around the exchange of business cards. Understanding when you are going to exchange, receive or give a business card is imperative. You should know how that exchange should take place in different cultures.
Colleagues from different countries
When you are working in a company with a global footprint, it is important to understand the different cultures around the countries you are working with. Learning and understanding the people from other countries that you are working with, will make them feel warm, welcomed and appreciated.
Proper gestures

There are a different set of rules in many different countries about using your body language. Simple things like giving an 'okay sign' or 'thumbs up' can mean different things in different cultures. Knowing the gestures could be very useful.
Physical contact
There are also physical contact rules in different cultures. Knowing what you can and cannot do from the physical contact is important so that you are always pushing forward a professional image and practising good etiquette from cultural norms.
Eye contact and smiling
A smile can go a long way. Understanding from various cultural differences how the smile can be received or eye contact can be received in a certain situation would be something to consider.
Personal space
Personal space can be different in different cultures. In some, it doesn't exist. In some cultures, being very close to someone indicates respect and friendship. And it others, personal space is expected in the 3 feet minimum.
Eliminate stereotypes
Again, each culture and individual is different. No better or worse, but just different. You have to understand the differences and people from different cultures. Be respectful. Don't talk about stereotypes, be tactful and sensitive. You can build a rapport by asking another person to learn.
Communication guidelines when speaking to someone from a different culture

Think before you speak. If you are unsure how they will receive it, consider recrafting the message so they can receive it more clearly.
Ask tactful questions. It is okay to learn and ask questions about different cultures. People generally want to share what is unique about them. you can build an amazing relationship with someone if you ask questions about them and express the desire to learn more about them. Changes are, they will become your new friend.
Listen more than you speak. Listen actively and openly. Ensure that you are engaged with them. Show that they are interesting and you are interested. When you listen, find key things to ask more questions about, so you can get more information. Confirm your understanding of the meaning.
Be careful about the humour. Somebody may use humour to mask their insecurity another their differences. Be careful with your own humour, whenever you are making jokes about something.
When communicating from someone from another country you don't have to be so serious. Be positive, enjoy yourself. Remember, the differences do not make us better or worse. Learning about the differences can open up a world of possibilities and strengthen our professionalism around the workplace. Be flexible, be adaptable, be respectful, be sensitive, be patient, be observant, be diplomatic and be interested.